四年级英语阅读:Some cats are black

http://www.guanggao6.com 01-02四年级英语学习[阅读:512次]

四年级英语阅读:Some cats are black为http://www.guanggao6.com整理发布,类型为四年级英语学习,本站还有更多关于四年级英语试卷-教案,小学学习 - 小学英语学习 - 四年级英语学习的文章。

Some cats are black. Some cats are white. Some cats are black and white. But no cats are green. I have a mother cat. She has three sons and two daughters. The mother cat loves her sons and daughters and they love their mother very much. And she looks after them.

( )1. Cats are .

A. black B. white C. black and white D. A or B or C

( )2. Cats green.

A. are B. are not C. love D. have

( )3. I have .

A. two sons B. three daughters

C. some cats D. three sons and two daughters

( )4. The sons and the daughters love very much.

A. the mother cat B. my mother C. me D. their mother's cats

( )5. Who looks after the sons and the daughters?

A. The white mother cat. B. The black mother cat.

C. The mother cat. D. No one.


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