
http://www.guanggao6.com 01-02小学英语综合[阅读:276次]

伊索寓言:一只眼睛的母鹿为http://www.guanggao6.com整理发布,类型为小学英语综合,本站还有更多关于小学英语综合学习,小学学习 - 小学英语学习 - 小学英语综合的文章。

The one-eyed doe

A doe had lost one of her eyes, and could not see anyone approaching her from one side.

In order to avoid any danger, she always ate on a high cliff near the sea, and looked at the land with her good eye when she was eating.

By this means she could see whenever the hunters approached her on land.

But one hunter found out that she was blind in one eye. He rowed a boat under the cliff, and shot her from the sea.






寓意: 人们常常对容易预见的危险严加防范,却忽视自认为很安全的方面。

