
http://www.guanggao6.com 12-13初中英语作文[阅读:107次]

初中英语作文我的小屋Myhousingestate作文250字为http://www.guanggao6.com整理发布,类型为初中英语作文,本站还有更多关于初中英语作文网,初中英语作文范文,初中英语作文模板,初中英语作文大全,英语作文 - 初中英语作文的文章。
正文: I am living in (自己写). It has a wonderful envirnment. I can see flowers and trees from my house. there is a playground right in front of my block. Children always play there and senior citizens do exercises. Public transport is convience. School, hospital and super market are only a few minutes away. I like my housing estate very much. 如果觉得《初中英语作文我的小屋Myhousingestate作文250字》不错,可以推荐给好友哦。