高中英语作文BecomingaGoodStudent作文600字为http://www.guanggao6.com整理发布,类型为高中英语作文,本站还有更多关于高中英语作文模板,高中英语作文范文,高中英语作文网,英语作文 - 高中英语作文的文章。
Three attributes can help people in their studies. First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren t responsible, you ll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork.
Second, in school life, relationships between people are valuable. Friends can bring you happiness and laughter. In addition, you can discuss problems and pursue knowledge with them.
Last, it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life. If you are defeated, don t be disappointed. Try to face your life and your studies with courage and determination.
If you can work toward these goals, you ll become a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm.
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